Your Personal Data:

What we need

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) takes your data privacy seriously and will only use the details you provide to administer your account and provide you with our products and services. Under the terms of the Data Protection Act and GDPR CIEH is the 'Controller' for this information. More information is available on the Information Commissioner's Office website.

Further information or exceptions regarding our specific services as below:

As a candidate completing a CIEH course we collect personal information about you including:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • The organisation delivering your course

When doing business with CIEH we collect personal information about you including:

  • Name
  • Work contact details
  • Financial information

When you contact our Customer Service team by phone, email or online chat, we may collect personal information about you to help process your enquiry, including:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Enquiry

As an individual subscribing to our newsletter and alert emails we collect information about you including:

  • Name & email address
  • Your interaction with our emails
  • Address (optional)
  • Information on what you do (optional)
  • Your interests relating to environmental health (optional)

As an event booker or delegate we collect personal information about you, including:

  • Name
  • Work or personal contact details
  • Dietary requirements

When you have been offered a role with us, we will collect the following information legally required to work in the UK;

  • Name, address and contact details
  • Date of birth
  • NI Number and evidence of right to work in the UK
  • Emergency contact details
  • Details of you bank building society including account and sort code numbers

We also collect the following equality and diversity information;

  • Gender
  • Ethnic group information
  • Information on any disability you may have

When you apply to be a member we collect personal information about you, including:

  • Name & contact details
  • Demographic data such as gender and ethnicity (optional)
  • Information on what you do
  • Your interests relating to environmental health
  • Proof of your experience and qualifications (if applying for higher grades of membership)

If you apply for a volunteer position with us, we will collect the following information;

  • Name address and contact details
  • Country of residence
  • Membership number (if appropriate)
  • Declaration of any disqualifications or convictions (role dependant)

For volunteers applying for a governance positions (trustees and committee members) we also request the following optional equality and diversity information;

  • Gender
  • Marital / Civil Partnership status
  • Ethnic group information
  • Information on any disability you may have
  • Sexual orientation
  • Religious beliefs
  • If you are currently employed and current working arrangements
  • Current dependants that you provide care for
  • Sector background work experience

Why we need it

We need to know your basic personal data in order to identify and contact you to provide our services. We only collect the necessary information required for us to effectively deliver and improve these services.

What we do with it

All of the personal data we process is done so by our staff in the UK. However, in order to provide our services, we engage with a number of third parties termed ‘Processors’ such as our hosting and webinar facilities who may host or process data outside the UK. We will always ensure the area of processing is in an area that the GDPR lists as providing suitable protection of your data rights. In instances where this is outside of the EU we will clearly inform you so that you may choose not to opt in to that service.

We only authorise access by third parties if they demonstrate strong data privacy practices and always limit their access solely to what is required for them to provide their services.

We have a Data Protection regime in place to oversee the effective and secure processing of your personal data.

Where you have made a purchase with us we may contact you in the future about offers or promotions for that service, if you don’t wish to receive these you can opt out of these communications here:

Further information or exceptions regarding our specific services as below:

Candidate information is solely used to process your qualification, we will never use this information for marketing or commercial purposes, nor will we share with any other third party for those purposes.  If you have purchased your course directly with us we may email you as a customer about similar courses which you can choose to opt out of here:

The equality and diversity information is used to track whether or not our recruitment is representative of the population.

The disability information is used to ensure that any reasonable adjustments are put in place.

We will use your data to confirm your current membership status and grade for any 3rd party queries which have specifically identified you.

We use demographic data you choose to provide us with to evaluate and ensure our offering is relevant to everyone with an interest in environmental health. We also report on these statistics to our Board of Trustees and Advisory Groups in an anonymised form. 

CIEH is committed to making appointments on merit alone using an open and transparent process. CIEH’s Board wants its membership (and that of its committees and advisory groups) to be representative of the population.

Equality and Diversity information collected is separated from application forms. The data is then anonymised and kept as general statistics.

How long we keep it

We are required under UK tax law to keep your financial transactions and basic personal data (name, address, contact details) for seven years, after which time they will be destroyed.

Any additional information that we have is kept until we are reasonably certain that you no longer wish to do business with us which is typically three years from the date of your last purchase unless you request that we do so sooner.

Further information or exceptions regarding our specific services as below:

We keep information on candidates for 15 years. Note: records processed before 2012 were deleted under an earlier policy.

We keep email correspondence operationally available for four years and an archive for up to ten years.

We will delete your data three years after you last opened one of our emails.

If you are not a member we will delete your information after three years from the time of your most recent event.

For successful job applicants we will keep your data for a period of 7 years after you no longer work for CIEH. At this point it will be confidentially destroyed.

For unsuccessful job applicant’s your information will be confidentially destroyed within a 6 month period and after 3 years for applicants in Northern Ireland.

We will keep your membership data for seven years after your membership subscription lapses unless you have requested otherwise. If you are on a CIEH Professional Register, we will keep your registration data for 40 years after registration lapses.

We keep online chat correspondence for three months.

For regular volunteers we will keep your information for 7 years after you no longer work with CIEH.

For trustee and director volunteers we will keep your information for the duration of the organisations operation as required by the Companies Act 2006.

What we would also like to do with it

We would however like to contact you about any of our services that you’re interested in. Please follow the link below to set your interests and communication preferences.

What are your rights?

If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect you can request to see this information and have it corrected or deleted.

If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact our Data Compliance Officer who will investigate the matter.

If you are not satisfied with our response, or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Our Data Compliance Officer can be reached via email or post with the details below.

[email protected]
Data Compliance Officer
Chadwick Court
15 Hatfields