Take action today

We still need the commitment of 8 more parliamentarians (MPs or Lords) to officially launch an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on environmental health. We've already secured a commitment from 12 members of parliament and we need 20.

Your action today can make all the difference – simply write to your local MP using the letter template, urging them to support the formation of this crucial APPG.

Together, we can make a difference

Despite hundreds of APPGs currently operating in the UK addressing a range of issues, none are dedicated to environmental health - a major gap in the UK policy framework which urgently needs fixing to help the Government meet its environmental and public health targets.

How you can get involved

  1. Download the letter template
  2. Send the letter by post or email to your local MP
  3. Notify our Policy team by emailing [email protected]

Together, we can reach our goal of 20 MPs and create a platform for lasting environmental health improvements in Parliament.

Need help finding your MP? Visit members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP.

Graphic show the total number of signatures and the goal of 20 signatures

What's an APPG and why does it matter?

As part of our General Election campaign to build stronger relationships with policymakers we are keen to create an APPG dedicated to environmental health.

APPGs are informal, cross-party groups of MPs and Lords united by a common cause. They’re powerful platforms that give organisations like CIEH a voice in Parliament, allowing us to raise critical issues, drive awareness, and influence policy changes.

Find out more

EHN magazine cover

EHN special editions

We're celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Control of Pollution Act with two special editions of EHN available to all.